First of all, I have to apologize for posting so far after my last. I've been trying to work out the kinks with Box.net but it appears they are no longer in business so my song sharing was put on hold.
It has finally arrived!! The new Kings of Leon came not a moment too soon. I was beginning to suffer from the lack of new music. Because of the Times was on my top 5 albums of the year in 06 and the new one definitely does not disappoint. Caleb is singing here a little more and the songs are a bit more generic but still have that unique KOL vibe. They play incredibly well live and if you'd like to check them out they played last night on Letterman. Youtube has a great version of it. It's going to take something really huge at year end to Knock the kings of the pedestal. Listen, love it, please let me know what you think....