Brandon came in from Montana and had this bright idea to get last minute tickets to Coldplay. Yep, top row. It was an interesting night. We spotted 7th row seats from up above and sat in them for an hour before the band came out. Coldplay arrived and we saw the first song from the 7th row.....then the true owners of the tickets showed up barely able to see straight with a Bud Light in each hand. We were forced to leave regretfully. Who shows up 2 hours late with $200 tickets???? We were peeved to say the least. So instead of our nosebleed seats we searched for another half hour before we found a decent view. They put on a mighty good show. More confetti than I've ever seen in my life, playing 2 songs from the stands, a Bono-ish platform where Chris Martin could frolic around burning hundreds of calories, and a truly amazing live sound. Sorry, the iPhone pictures didn't turn out so great. Cheers boys!!