I'm having problems posting songs to my blog again and it's making me very irritated. So within that same vein, I decided to release some frustration by listing my most hated bands/artists of all time. The list is in order of hatred, but keep in mind that they could very well all be so horribly bad that an order is irrelevant.
1. Goo Goo Dolls-
Hard core rockers turned soft-hearted acoustic lovers. Every song ever played on the radio makes you want to bleed from the ears.
2. John Mayer-
The ONLY good thing he has ever done was cover Radiohead's "Kid A". I actually love the song but can't stand the man...
3. Kid Rock-
I think it's the greasy long hair and wife beater that does it for me. Don't get me wrong, anyone that can do country, hip hop, rap, bluegrass, metal, and pump out a ballad must be talented, right?
4.Lenny Kravitz-
When I was 14 I watched a special on VH1 about good ol' Len. I went to Media Play and bought his entire collection. I went home and listened to them all and threw the discs across the room. I've never felt more gypped. Eat it Lenny!!
5.Lynard Skynard-
If I say this in the wrong group I'm bound to be shot, but the old farts really get on my nerves. You write "Sweet Home Alabama" and all the sudden your the ultimate jam band. Sorry boys.
6. Creed-
This is a hard one for me. I really liked their first album when it came out, granted I was 15. I think they are probably the ultimate love to hate band.
7. Don't even get me started on the Jonas Brother, Ashlee whoever, Miley what-e-what's.
Feel free to add a couple of your own or slander my choices....
The thing that is so great about Kid Rock is that he takes the Punk Rock and mixes it with the Hip Hop. I don't care who you are, that is just cool.
I would add to this list -
"Pretty much any band my wife thinks is awesome."
Ok, so I agree with all of these except Lenny Kravitz (and I also take exception to John Mayer; this is pure jealousy). You are the spawn of satan. Ok, maybe that's a little harsh. But what's wrong with Lenny? You crazy Utah'n. I would personally add ACDC, HIM, and Green Day post Insomniac. Put that in your bonnet!
You just like John Mayer cus he somehow gets all the ladies and your jeleous. I can't compromise on Lenny. And ACDC absolutely rocks!! I'd like to see you wear those shorts and pull it off playing a Gibson SG. Not possible.
I hate Creed with a passion, too. UGH
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